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Order online before March

Mundaring Netball Club colours are black and gold. Club game dresses and shirts are ordered online through Slater Gartrell in Midland. 


To ensure the correct fit, it is recommended that players try uniforms in advance before ordering by visiting the Slater Gartrell Midland store.

Late orders, placed after March are not guaranteed to arrive prior to the start of the season.

We encourage members to offer second-hand uniforms for sale on our Facebook page or contact the club.


In line with the club’s goal to promote Club pride and sense of community, players and supporters can choose to purchase from a range of good quality sport merchandise – samples will be available at the Open Day.

Uniform Policy

In 2022 EHNA introduced a change to the uniform policy and MNC has modified its uniform policy to suit.

NSG Players – choice of either club game dress or club game shirt and black shorts. Players are also allowed to wear a black long-sleeved T-shirt and black leggings under their game uniform.


Junior and Senior Players – club game dress with plain black bike shorts underneath. Shorts are to be no longer than knee length.


Boys playing in NSG or Junior grades – club game shirt with black shorts (plus age specific allowances as above).


All players are required to wear appropriate sport shoes with non-marking soles as some games will be held on the indoor courts.

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